"Strengthening Families
Celebrating Culture"
Our Services
SALCO provides a series of services of information, referral and community development.
We provide important information to members of our community whom on arrival from their home countries , encounter cultural challenges ; connecting them with services to facilitate their integration into the Australian community.
This includes:
Information & Referral in areas such as: Education, Health, Housing, Social Security, Social problems or problems related language, Practical support.
Provide support to established groups within the community.
Estabish common interest groups.
Identify community needs.
Organize activities of community interest.
Services are free and confidential.
(Funded by: Department of Family and Community Services.)
Many of the outcomes we produce are intangible and difficult to measure, such as friendships created as result of hosting Women's Group gatherings and social interaction during school holidays children's workshops, or increased self-esteem and less isolation resulting from being more connected to the community through participation or increased knowledge of community resources.

A Justice of the Peace is also available, by appointment only. Call first for bookings.