"Strengthening Families
Celebrating Culture"
Useful Links
Find useful links providing information on subjects of importance such as: inmigration, employment, community asistance, etc.
Immigration & Settlement Information
Department of Immigration and Citizenship
The Australian Government's official information site for people coming to Australia, including:- multicultural affairs and citizenship- refugee and humanitarian entry - migration and temporary entry
Settlement Council of Australia
The national peak body representing migrant and refugee settlement agencies across Australia.
GovernmentAustralian Commonwealth Government Entry Point
List of all Commonwealth Government departments and agencies that have web sites.
New South Wales Government Agency Sites
Contains links to all State Government departments and relevant agencies that have web sites
Wollongong City Council
Vox FM - Community Radio Station
Tourism Wollongong
Department of Education
Australian Federal Government's official site for services and policies on education, training and youth affairs
NSW Department of Education and Communities
University of Wollongong
TAFE NSW - Illawarra Institute
WEA Illawarra
Disability support
Interchange Illawarra
House with No Steps
Department of Ageing, Disability and Home Care
Aspect (Autism Spectrum Australia)
Disability Trust
Kidzwish Foundation
Illawarra Children’s Services
Noah’s Ark Centre of Shoalhaven Inc
The following is just a small selection of the many job-seeking web sites. The links provide lists of job vacancies and self-employment opportunities. The sites are either specific organisations or general job seeking.To 'Search by Advertiser' in some sites, select the local Wollongong newspaper 'Illawarra Mercury'.
www.wollongong.nsw.gov.au (Go to 'Positions Vacant')
www.mycareer.com.au (go to 'Search by Advertiser' and select 'I' then 'Illawarra Mercury' to find jobs in Wollongong/Nowra)
www.health.nsw.gov.au (SESIAHS)
Department of Health and Ageing
Information on public health, Medicare benefits, hospitals, immunisation, and specific information on programs and services for older persons
South Eastern Sydney and Illawarra Area Health Service
NSW Multicultural Health Communication Service
Social Security
Centrelink is a Government organisation to provide assistance for individuals and families. However, newly arrived residents who do not have refugeeor humanitarian visa status, have to wait for two years to receive most payments
The Housing Trust
Family and Community Services
Community Relations Commission
Illawarra Legal Centre
Office of Fair Trading
Refugee Council of Australia